I WAS ON THE SLEEPER CLASS TRAIN (AS ALL THE BETTER CLASSES ARE PRE BOOKED). it started out not so great, i got on the train early, which i was very happy about as i am usually running through the terminal trying to find my train as it is leaving. so i am sitting there on my seat and a 30 something gfuy asks if he can sit across from me, i say sure if it is your seat. thenn he keeps talking to me. i am reading and my creep radar is going off so i barely answer him and keep reading, i look up and he is umm...yeah.. fondling himself. alot! i grabbed my purse and got off the train. i didnt know what to do. if i told the condutor or someone they might just treat me like a 'western woman'. i was stumped, i thought about how i didnt pay much for the ticket anyways and i could just take another train, this man said that he was going 175 kms. i just couldnt sit there for that long. i noticed that the train wasnt very full. so i decided that i could sit somewhere else and when the condutor asked me why i would tall him. i got back on the train and returned to my seat to find the horny indian guy gone. IT WASNT EVEN HIS SEAT!! he had only sat there to do what he did then he disapeared. thank god! and a very nice korean fellow took his place.
i had had enough so i went back to reading when the train left and a few stops later...28ppl with children get on, they had been at a wedding, they were so loud. i put my ear plugs in and contiuned to read. i could hear them asking the poor korean guy about me. the women really wanted to know my story. i held out for a while...then i took out my ear plugs and with the younger peoples help i had great conversations with the women.
i noticed that one of them was rubbing her temples with a headache. i offered my headache balm and she was so happy. she left and then returned with another woman who sat down, took my hand and started to do amazing henna on my palm and hand!
people from their party kept coming and going to our car... it was such fun, and so many questions and i had the children singing the abc's and the young men were sharing their mp3 music. ahh such fun. they went to sleep for a few hours, then when i heard then get up i did too so i could say good bye. i am so glad that i took my ear plugs out!!
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